The Long Reach of Modern Social Media
Here is a personal experience that we recently had of how the social media connections we participate in these days can often reach out much further and wider than we ever imagined was possible:
In addition to our website at www.ThomasBlockNovels.com, we have participated at Facebook at two individual pages: www.Facebook.com/ThomasBlockNovels and (with the publication of our most recent novel) www.Facebook.com/Captain.by.Thomas.Block. It was on that Facebook site for Captain that we received the following message from Facebook participant William Gottlieb:
“I haven’t read the book but I’m pretty sure it was Capt. Block who found my dad in the air over Kentucky one January night in 1966. My dad was in a Comanche 400, in the right seat, the pilot had died in flight and he was trying to get on the ground with what little experience he had in the plane, not having landed one since flying a T-Craft in 1947. Capt Block had taken off from Bluegrass field in an Aztec I think and volunteered to go and find my dad and lead him to the airport. I haven’t thought about this until I saw the post for the book pop up on my Facebook so Capt Block, if you’re you happen to read this, thanks for helping my dad that fateful night.”