‘Captain’ Reader Comments That We’ve Gotten
Reader Comments That
We’ve Gotten
Scott J. Corley, Airline Captain:
I finished the book on my last trip. Truly a great read. I particularly loved the scene where they were going through the low clouds and precip over the Atlantic.
The Viktor Frankl quote stirred my soul.
I lent my First Officer my Kindle after I finished it. After 3 chapters in, he says he loves it and will be buying a copy.
Thanks so much for sharing this part of you with me. Well worth the money.
Cindy Karp, Massachusetts:
Read it in 3 sittings and LOVED it!
Mike Thomas, Franklin, PA
The book was magnificent! It definitely was your finest effort to date! Congratulations!
Brigitte Lakah, Airline Captain
I’m a B767 Captain and was in Rome when I started reading!! We were flying intra Europe all week as I read the book on my Kindle. WOW! You had me…Well done!!!
Cathy Cooke Possenti, Lake Peekskill, New York
Loved the book “Captain” A real page turner. Thanks Thomas Block for publishing on Smashwords ebooks.
Harriet Delaney, Akin, South Carolina
Loved the book! It gets you on the edge of your chair, involves you with all the characters – the characters are terrific – almost yanks the chair out from under you, and then, lets you land well….with lots of interesting thoughts and questions about the airline industry! Captain keeps you at the edge of the abyss, as it were! Didn’t realize he’d written so much……I first caught up with him with MAYDAY, which I loved…..now I have to go hunt up the others!
Stanley Perkins, San Diego, CA
I just finished Captain and enjoyed it thoroughly. As a pilot, it was refreshing for me to read a novel about flying that was technically plausible and that also explored a lot of complex issues that we deal with in modern air travel as both pilots and passengers…
You’ve done an excellent job with your novels and I look forward to reading many more of them.
Dana Vento, Pittsburgh, PA
LOVED IT!!! I could not stop reading – saw all the politics that went on behind the scene – snap judgments that could have taken lives. It was GREAT!
Jay Polish, Ellicott City, Maryland:
An excellent job! If I had to give Captain a rating between 1 and 10, to be perfectly honest, I would give it a 13+. If I produced movies, I would definitely consider it – Airport 2012, Captain!
Puck Waterhouse, Retired TWA Captain
I’ve enjoyed your columns in Flying over the years.
Just finished Captain and really liked it! The part about top management wanting to break apart & sell the airline really hit home (read: Carl Ichan).
Jeannie Jan Brits-Cote, Riverside, CA
I’m reading Captain right now. If you haven’t bought it, you’re missing out. Very exciting and I can’t put it down.
Rex Cox, Alabama
These are great aviation stories!
Dawn Kopman Whidden, Bell, FL
The worst thing about this book is that I am finished. I get so depressed when a good novel ends. Captain is one of the best thrillers I have read in a long time. I found myself slowing down just so the story would last. It is a roller coaster ride way above the clouds. Bravo Thomas Block..well done.
Carolyn Hammerschmidt, Hays, KS
I read it while flying. It was eerie to say the least, a thriller to the end, and I really liked it!
Jim Roka, Facebook
Felt like I was right there on the Flight deck, could not put it down.
Ken Jenkins, Lebanon, TN
I just wanted to let you know that my wife Jeannie loved your book. She is so impressed that she has bought 2 more for Christmas presents. I just thought you might like to know.
John Swisher, sent from ipad
I loved the book. Couldn’t put it down. Great work. Also love Demille which is how I found you.
Ron de Moraes, via email
I just completed reading “Captain” and loved it. My wife and I are private pilots and appreciate the realistic writing style in addition to a well constructed plot line.
Bick Eubanks, Facebook
As a 10,000+ hour ATP licensed pilot I found this to be a very accurate and exciting book. Captain Block is able to take the reader into the workings of the cockpit and the airline corporate structure. A very good read.