‘Captain’ Reader Reviews
Reader Reviews of
(These Reader Reviews have, for the most part, come from the
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and Goodreads websites)
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
A Really Great Read! By sam (New Smyrna beach, FL, United States) Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
Non-stop action with many twists and turns! Recommended reading for all who fly to travel and pilot airplanes. An interesting study of personality quirks.
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
By Mark T. Ewing “WESTLANCE” (W.VA.) – Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
By Kathleen Kelly “Celticlady”, Rhinelander, WI This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
After reading this book I am not sure if I am going to get on an airplane again…seriously, this book was so descriptive of what can happen when human error is involved. Then there are computers that run everything and we know how a computer virus can really mess with stuff. So put those things together along with an airplane carrying 200+ passengers on a routine international flight and you have one scary situation.
There are pilots, flight attendants, owners of the airline, and a myriad of other characters, interspersed with personal stories that will keep you reading on.
It is obvious that Thomas Block knows his stuff when it comes to airplanes and being a pilot. He is also a writer that can keep the reader on the edge of the seat. I think about halfway through I had a problem putting the book down, it was that good. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and you will too, you don’t even have to know about airplanes to enjoy it. Now about getting on that next plane…..
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
Action-packed yarn with an accurate insight into airline corporate culture and flight crew personalities.,
By Cattle Man “Cowboy” (Pearce, AZ) – Amazon Verified Purchase
Having spent 35 years in aviation from the early years of flying by little more than “needle, ball, and airspeed” in puddle jumpers to international flying in big jets, I could totally relate to Mr. Block’s accurate portrayal of airline corporate culture, interaction between flight crew members, and the angst of “scud running” in a disabled jumbo jet skimming over the dark, desolate Atlantic Ocean by the seat of the pants. So glad it was a fiction novel; just the thought that this scary yarn might actually happen could scare the pants off of you. Anyone who has flown in an airplane, either as a flight crew member or passenger, should enjoy this book.
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
By Bartman – This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
This is such a great book to read. As are all of his books. If you want non stop sitting on the edge of your seat reading then read a Thomas Block book.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars, I thought it was a time-travel-not so. Still a great read., February 4, 2013
By Lindy reads a lot “Lindy reads” (Lakeland, TN) This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
This was an adventure! Exciting, dangerous, thrilling ride. Highly recommended for anyone that knows anything about airplanes. I don’t, yet I really enjoyed this book.
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars, Top notch aviation thriller!, March 6, 2013
By wendyoblouk This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
I loved this book! At first I was concerned that it might be dated but quickly abandoned that notion. It was riveting! I love this author and again he did not disappoint.
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
An “On the edge of your seat” story., March 29, 2013
By James Rosevear – This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
I have heard many say that they couldn’t turn the pages of a given book fast enough. “Captain” is that and more. I actually got tired from the stress of this book. Hope to see more of this author’s work.
5.0 out of 5 stars
It has been my experience that most aviation related books appeal only to those people who are directly involved with the aviation industry. “CAPTAIN” departs from that way of thinking with resounding success!!
I read extensively and for a book to pique my interest, it must grasp my attention from the onset. Mr. Block did just that from page one to the thrilling conclusion in the final chapter. He has an uncanny knack for developing the characters and explaining even the most technical aspects of the storyline with explicit detail so that even the most casual reader can fully understand the technology aspects of the book.
I have read all of Mr. Block’s books and many of his published articles over the years and I truly believe that “CAPTAIN” is his best work to date. This is a book that once you open the cover, you will not want to put down until the final page. I hope that Mr. Block is well into writing his next book as I am already anxiously awaiting its publication!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Marty Luffman, Nashville, Tn, State Farm Agent
I have been a fan of Thomas Block since seeing MAYDAY on the Sunday night Movies. His lastest creation, CAPTAIN, rivals all his previous works.
CAPTAIN validates that Thomas’ creativity and indebt knowledge of human nature and personalities is immense.
I became part of the crew, following the dialogue, and mentally offering suggestions.
I resented some of the passengers, for their immature attitudes and comments. Ray’s (with all of the internal demons)tolerance had to be spiritually inspired. I could feel his pain and suffering. I hurt for him.
I fell in love with Linda, what I wouldn’t give to have a woman like her in my life.
And Peter, well, they were way too kind to him.
I can tell you, if it were up to me, he would be picking up cans on the side of the road for a living.
How can one man, remove himself to so many complicated and distinct personalities? Thomas is genius.
5.0 out of 5 stars. Nelson DeMille sums it up best, when he writes, “Captain is one of the best aviation thrillers you’ll ever read”…
By Allan Lyle (San Anselmo, CA)
My standard for judging a well crafted and well told story is measuring how many pages it takes a writer to “hook me” to where I become fully engrossed and suddenly feel compelled to devour every page as quickly as possible to discover the climax I sense is being built.
In Captain, Mr. Block actually accomplished this for me in the prologue!
With my appetite whetted in the prologue, what was really pleasing to find, is that by the end of the first chapter Captain was able to demand that I make the time available to learn what unfolds with the turn of each page. Therefore it didn’t take long to get to the point where I simply could not put the book down.
This is accomplished by Mr. Block’s skillful character development that effectively supports the thrilling story line. I found myself exposed to the full panoply of emotions and completely immersed in the unfolding saga.
The characters the reader gets to know, obviously come from aviation, but integral to the building climax, prominent characters surface from psychiatry, corporate finance, public relations, corporate governance, governmental bureaucrats and F-15 fighter pilots, to name a few.
Captain is in my opinion Mr. Block’s best work. It is a thriller that could only be written by an experienced aviator, however it also shows that his expertise obviously goes far beyond being a Pilot.
I have read, some time ago, others of Mr. Block’s books and hopefully his next novel is already in the works. I can hardly wait!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book!
By Bob Kurrle
I think this is the best Tom Block has written. It is one of those books you don’t want to put down and can’t wait to get back to.
It is so good, you also hate to read it too fast because you’ll finish it! Great characters, lots of suspense, and because Tom is a pilot and retired airline captain, everything is very accuate and realistic. I highly recommend this to anyone. It would make a good movie.
(extracts of) Amazon Customer Reviews: 5.0 out of 5 stars
“I picked this book up and I couldn’t put it down!”
Tink : 3 reviewers made a similar statement
“The multi-faceted plot will keep you engrossed.”
T.K. DONLE : 3 reviewers made a similar statement
“I hope that Mr. Block is well into writing his next book as I am already anxiously awaiting its publication!!!”
J.D.CLARY : 2 reviewers made a similar statement
5.0 out of 5 Stars.
This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
Tom Block hit the target again! It amazes me how he can spin up such a great plot involving calamity, joy, sadness, triumph, horror, techno-craziness, bureaucratic BS, white-knuckle panic, commercial greed and several love-conspiracies all into one book! And he creates several new aviator superheroes in the process.
Ok, I admit to being a sucker for great aviation stories, but I’m especially fond of realistic misadventures that touch my sense of right and wrong while providing me an avenue to solve the non-stop malfunctions right alongside the book’s main character heroes. I probably experienced every possible emotion while reading this book. Mr. Block has created one hell of a compelling story that’s hard to put down.
The character profiles build nicely and transition seamlessly from past-fact into present-circumstance. The multi-faceted plot will keep you engrossed. This tome was an easy page-turner right from the get-go. If you don’t enjoy this book, then you’re not right in the head, or… you’re someone who’s too busy putting on makeup while driving and simultaneously texting your shrink that you’ll be thirty minutes late for your appointment!
5 out of 5 Stars! Captain Block returns to writing Aviation Adventures,
By jim corley
Captain Tom Block authored 7 or 8 aviation adventure novels from 1979 to roughly 1990. Being an airline captain myself, I read all of them. His books appealed to aviation enthusiasts. They also held a special interest for airline pilots. Besides being books you just did not want to put down, they put you in circumstances you could see happening.
I was pleasantly surprised when I read “Captain”,his latest work! After a 20 year sabbattical he has written a spellbinder! Now retired after 36 years of worldwide flying, he has produced his best work so far. He touches on many issues that airlines deal with. Crew failure, airline failures, management problems, bankruptcy and regulatory problems are woven through the plot in a way that will make many pilots wonder “Wow,could that happen to my company?”
So,if you want a good suspense novel with unexpected side issues,this book continues Captain Block’s tradition of writing a novel that keeps you up to date with the current world situation at the same time it handles a serious flight problem.If you are a young pilot considering the industry, you should consider reading the old novels which are now brought to you more efficiently through the new world of electronic publishing.
5.0 out of 5 stars. Character Development Meets Aviation Suspense,
By Maverick
This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
Thomas Block’s latest work, Captain, is his finest effort to date. The piece contains excellent character development across its entire complement of lead characters.
Their personalities and actions are extremely convincing and alluring. The plot is very suspenseful and will keep you rooting for the Captain until the very end! Well done, Captain Block!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Wayne Allen, BC, Canada
Definately one of the best aviation-related books I have read. Fast-paced action once you’re past the first few chapters that introduce the main characters.
Not surprisingly, the actions of the airline executives and government agencies are more focused on covering their asses rather than on the plight of the stricken aircraft and her passengers and crew. Heroic and unconventional actions by experienced, seasoned pilots faced with out-of-control computer automation.
5.0 out of 5 stars – Great read,
By Mary Ellen Carson, ATLANTA, GA
This is a book that you will have a hard time putting down. It’s many plots a will keep you guessing from page one. It has something for everyone – action, romance, intrigue. This is a book that leaves you satisfied at the end. Read it and be entertained to the last page. Enjoy!!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars – JD Councilman, North Carolina
Being retired from 32 years of flying, both military and commercially, I enjoy reading anything having to do with aviation, whether fiction or non-fiction. Through the years, I have read all of Tom Block’s books, and his latest book “Captain” is his best to date. Having the creative ability to combine all the technical aspects of normal and abnormal procedures in airline flying, with an acute insight for developing a diverse group of characters and their relationships make “Captain” a great read for anyone.
You feel like you are part of the crew and when the routine changes, you want to help the situation any way you can. An abnormal situation can change the profile of any type of flight at any time. Crew (and passenger) decisions, either “by the book,” or otherwise will ultimately affect the outcome.
“Captain” is an intriguing and compelling story that captures your interest immediately and is hard to put down, once you start reading.
4.0 out of 5 stars – Great summer reading,
By Lisa Rostocki, GoodReads
This book was really good. I enjoyed the plot lines and how many different stories were woven together. Even though the actual plane ride was the most suspenseful the rest of the characters in the book were interesting as well.
Although I really don’t know anything about planes except being a casual passenger I could get a feel for how the pilots in the book were struggling to get through this experience. I was very interested throughout the whole story.
I would recommend this for great summer reading.
5.0 out of 5 stars – Suspense in the air, By Ed Chappell
A great read. Fast paced and will keep you hanging on the edge of your imaginary flight seat. Captain Block brings the cockpit to life in this prophetic tail of a retired captain rising to the challenge after years of retirement.
4.0 out of 5 stars – A fantastic job,
By Rae Ryan – GoodReads
The pacing felt right, perfect even as each chapter gave just enough, not to little or too much, to keep you engaged. I understand the importance of this factor when reading suspense, action, and mystery genre stories, but I truly felt the author had a distinct knack for keeping his audience in the now. The author did a fantastic job at meticulously creating his characters, seamlessly weaving them into his plot. This one will send chills down your spine as you experience the fear, greed, and the fight for survival when all the odds are placed against you.
4.0 out of 5 Stars, W. Barker, Seattle, WA
Very engaging and engrossing, wonderful characters that will pull you into the story and keep your attention. I found myself holding my breath as conversations played out. There was also a depth of emotions that you don’t always see often in books. This fast-paced suspense packed book will keep you entertained to the end, a wonderful story.
5.0 out of 5 Stars, 5, By Angela M. – Amazon Verified Purchase (Kindle Edition)
Many small events lead to disaster and many small events contribute to saving from disaster. The part of this book that I found most enjoyable was the introspective thought processes that challenged the “by the book” dogma spouted by the single-minded First Officer. Loved Captain Jack’s persuasive ability to increase the fuel load on his flights. Always a good safety measure to have on board for the unforeseen event.
To me, the saving grace of old fashioned “stick and rudder” pilots is their ability to constantly question the status quo in search of a solution. When computers fail, the pilot must fly by the seat of his pants. No stone is left unturned in determining cause and effect. There are many heroic characters who contribute to the safe landing of this flight. It is a wonderful page turner that forces you to complete the novel in a single sitting. I couldn’t put it down until I reached the end.
4.0 out of 5 Stars, 5, Keeps you at the edge of your seat, By Rebecca De Silva – This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
I have always found flying an airplane fascinating, so I was excited to read Captain by Thomas Block. The story focuses on a retired captain who had lost his wife in an airplane crash. What was to be a trip home on Flight 3, ended up to be one that helped him let go of the guilt that had plagued him since the death of his wife. The story jumps from the drama in the airplane, to the drama in the control room as well as the management of the airlines. It took me some time to adjust to the change between scenes but once I got a grasp about what was going on, I could not put the book down.
The characters had a way of drawing you in. I enjoyed how Thomas Block was able to intertwine the characters on the doomed flight. From retired Captain Clark to air stewardess Tina’s unrequited love of Clark, and the doctor on flight, the intriguing relationships had me rooting for the characters. Block also handled the unfolding of Peter’ breakdown in the cockpit very well, and I was at the edge of my seat when the drama unfolded. On ground level, the characters played a big role as well. The change from in the air and on the ground in each chapter was very well done. It gave me, the reader, an insight of the bureaucracy and politics that goes on in the airlines industry.
Captain made me think about how much the airline industry is changing and at the hands of it are older pilots who often go by gut and instinct rather than by the book. It makes one wonder what would happen if all pilots end up like Peter, a stickler for rules, but unable to handle the pressure when things become bad. It also opened my eyes to our reliance in technology and how one would react if technology fails us and we have to fall back on skills. Captain by Thomas Block will keep you at the edge of your seat and send you through a variety of emotions as you root for Clark and Linda, pray for Maynard and wish Peter dead.
I do have to warn you about the language in the story and would recommend this book for older more mature teens, and adults only.
5.0 out of 5 Stars, One Wild Ride!,
By Ruth A. Hill (Yelm, WA) This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
Are you ready for one of the wildest rides of your life? This book was incredible! When I began reading it, I thought I might be bored with the book. After all, what on earth do I know about airplanes. And, yes, some of this book is technical, and I did not understand all of those sections. But you know what? I did not matter! This book was filled with such nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat action that I almost could not put it down.
The characters were quite intriguing. There was a lot more going for this book than just the main story. There were several sub-stories that made me consider the meaning of life and the way people react to stress and various other situations. The author seamlessly wove the other stories into the very fabric of the book, and nothing seemed out of place.
I am happy to announce that there were no sex scenes. Yes, there was profanity, but mostly it did not bother me. The strength of the story kept me going, and I was able to overlook any language issues.
I truly enjoyed the style in which the book was written. The reader was able to go back and forth between what was happening on the air and what was happening on the ground. In so doing, the tension was doubled. The reader is privy to both sides of the story, and this made my pulse race as I continued reading and reached the conclusion. And how does it end? Read it yourself! I will tell you this. You will not know for sure until the end!
So if you are ready to read a book that will transport you to the friendly skies and rob you of sleep and peace, this is the book for you! It is a wild ride, and I seriously doubt you will regret it.
5.0 out of 5 Stars, 5, Loved this book!,
By mistee dawn This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
I really enjoyed this book. I not only thought it was extremely well written, it was also packed with adventure, intrigue, and really kept my interest. It ws one of those books where you hate to put it down because you have to know what happens next. There was always something going on and the drama was never ending.
I will be honest, I have never been on an airplane before. And this fact about me added to the intrigue of this book. It scared me but not in a bad way. It was thrilling, exhilarating even. I can imagine being one of the characters in the book. Wondering what I would have done. Would I have made the same choices as some of the characters in the book? That is really what makes a great story. When you can put yourself in the story. That is awesome.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars, Man over machine,
By A. CLOSING (NORTH FORK, L.I.,NY) – This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
I read “Mayday” which was co-authored by Block and Nelsen DeMille years ago. This is far more complex.
A computer malfunction forces the pilot of a commercial airliner to disconnect electronics on this state of the art plane and fly much the same as Lindburgh did. The man vs machine story of John Henry is about brawn while this is about brain. However just as the computer malfunctions so does a copilot in that he has a mental collapse from stress. A retired pilot having a different psychological profile than the young co-pilot is a capable of dealing with this stress and steps in.
In addition to that plot we also have personal greed vs humanity and rule book vs common sence and experience.
But maybe most compelling is the parallel between the psychological impact upon people in life threatening situations like being on a crippled airliner and surviving the death camps of the Holocaust. At first it seems a stretch but a doctor on the plane puts it in perspective.
This book will appeal to aviators, computer geeks and people who are interested in human behavior. And oh yes, there is a love story.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars,Very good reading!,
By Nan L. Thompson “Nana” – This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
I completely enjoyed this book – a great ending. I love airplane stories and the characters were great. I would recommend this book to all ‘potential disaster’ enthusiasts.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
By Dave (GoodReads)
Thomas Block obviously knows his stuff, both aviation and writing. I worked in the aviation industry for about seven years, despite that I wasn’t sure how much I’d enjoy a novel about aviation.
I have to say, I couldn’t put it down. I read it in two sittings, and just when I thought I’d guessed at some of the plot points, Block threw in a twist or surprise. Well done. Block writes in a way that whether you’ve sat in a cockpit yourself or you’ve never even been to the airport, you’ll enjoy this tale.
Woven into this novel are some keen observations on the TSA, Federal Flight Deck Officers, and (mis)management within the airlines. An intricate plot full of twists and engaging characters, it’s a novel worth reading.
5.0 out of 5.0 Stars,
By Paso Kid – This review is from: Captain (Paperback)
Over the past several years I have listened to (using audible.com and my ipod nano) almost every best seller from authors like John Grisham, John Sandfor, Lincoln Child, David Baldacci, James Patterson, Nelson DeMille, Ken Follett, Michael Connelly, Michael Crichton, Robin Cook, Robert Ludlum, Scott Turow, Tom Clancy, and many others. Recently a friend suggested that I read “Captain”. My business required much reading and I seem to have no time for pleasure reading, thus my habit of listening to audio books when not working. My arguement about not having time did not stop my friend from convincing me to read the book. I’m glad I did.
It is every bit as good as the “best sellers” from the above authors. I could write another positive review but after reading the recent 5 star reviews, there is little I could add.
I also read the (only) 1 star review by Kari Morris and find it sad and lacking. Although I am only an instrument rated private pilot and cannot compare my flying experience with that of a retired pilot, I am glad the person writing the review will not be piloting a plane where I am a passenger. I suggest Morris try reading something less complicated like “Jack and Jill”.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars, Airline pilots have Emotions?
By William Howard “BeechSportBill” (Milton-Freewater, OR) This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
A rousing good story – technically perfect.
4.0 out of 5.0 Stars, By Bic – This review is from: Captain (Kindle Edition)
I’m a big fan of Thomas Block since reading ‘Mayday’, years ago. If you have any interest in aviation, his stuff is a must read. Because I have an aviation background (non-pilot), I tend to devour intellgent, inciteful, speculative works by authors of his calibre. So, alright. I’m prejudiced in books both fact and fiction in this genre. So I recommend Captain to those who want to know–and enjoy.
Leo Middlestadt